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  • What is Sponsor Kids?
    To add a new Sponsor Kids, is an ISO certified NGO, established in 2011, with the sole objective of sponsoring kids that are unfortunate, most of whom shall be orphans or destitutes. Sponsor Kids is started by the founders of ERP Analysts, an Ohio based self financed company with GSA Schedule (Schedule - Available). Sponsor Kids day-to-day activities are managed by a group of dedicated volunteers.question go to app settings and press "Manage Questions" button.
  • Is Sponsor Kids a registered organization?
    Sponsor Kids is a registered society under The Ohio Secretary of State.
  • What does Sponsor Kids do?
    Sponsor Kids works relentlessly for the uplilftment of discarded and abandoned children in the society. As on today about 60 destitutes are being taken care in its various homes such as World vision, Plan USA and Sphoorthi. The residents include, abandoned kids, abused, discarded and orphaned children, terminally ill and HIV/AIDS victims. All of them have been provided with medical treatment, psychological support and silken touch of love by the dedicated volunteers who work round the clock. Children are housed in different sections according to their age group and sex. All the children are being sent to school, run by SPHOORTHI, approved by AP Government. Special educators are teaching special children in-house. HIV positive children are well taken care with nutritious food, regular medical check up, and anti retroviral medicines.
  • Does Sponsor Kids receive government or foreign funding?
    SponsorKids do not receive any government funding. This makes us to work independently and to implement our programs and projects effectively and faster. In recognition of SponsorKids's good work, the government has extended certain tax and duty exemptions that allow us to minimize costs.
  • How does Sponsor Kids raise funds?
    The main source of funds that SponsorKids depends on are the donations from philanthropic employees of ERP Analysts and its affiliates. Eventually, we have plans to raise funds from public and from organizations, which give importance to corporate social responsibility. ERP Analysts employees contribution helps in meeting the day to day needs, while ERP Analysts as a corporate shall match 50% of the funds raised during the year 2011that shall support in implementing this project as a whole. SponsorKids has plans to reach the public and corporate by sending out appeals during festival season and school re-opening time. A strategic marketing plan is yet to be finalized before reaching out to public.
  • Will my small contribution make a difference to this overwhelming problem?
    SponsorKids has demonstrated that each of us contributing to the degree we can in our own unique way can accomplish amazing things. Even today, more than 80% of the funds SponsorKids raises come from individual donors or employees of ERP Analysts. In one word, "Whatever you do will make a difference to a child's life and to your own.”
  • Are SponsorKids employees paid for their work?
    No. SponsorKids, at this time has no salaried employees; all of them are more working as volunteers at this time and eventually has plans to hire dedicated employees who shall be paid regular salaries. It is important to note, however, that SponsorKids salaries are modest in comparison with commercial organizations. Our objective is to obtain long-term, full-time, dedicated services from professionally qualified individuals. We believe these are necessary to ensure that all our activities - development, support, financial management etc. are carried out effectively and efficiently, thus ensuring that the resources we raise from the public are utilized optimally.
  • Where does Sponsor Kids work?
    SponsorKids has spread itself to centers like Sphoorthi in Hyderabad.
  • How can I be sure that the money I send is managed correctly?
    SponsorKids is committed to the highest levels of management of all its resources. Through systematic monitoring and evaluation SponsorKids seeks ongoing improvement of the quality of this project. In addition, SponsorKids has systematic financial audits each year of all its projects and maintains a high level of accountability to its sponsors and donors. Total transparency in transactions with our supporters is the norm. Further, any donor is free to visit our Co-Branded facilities and see the impact of how their donation is making a change in the lives of these children.
  • How much money actually gets to the cause?
    Since this is the initial start, we are not sure on the correct numbers, but, we are assuming that, approximately, 90% of all the funds received by SponsorKids go directly towards the project and around 10% shall be used to meet administration costs.

Sponsor Kids © 2018

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